Mom lifting up smiling baby while dad looks up at her

Therapy for New Parents

Becoming a new parent can be filled with so many overwhelming emotions.  It is hard to fully grasp the change and shift in identity that occurs after you become a parent.  It can feel so challenging to not be able to have a sense of control over what you are experiencing and to have so many hopes and expectations before you took on your new role. 

Metal footbridge leading into a forest

Taking on the new identity of parent can take time to adjust to and it can feel scary and hard.

If you are parenting with a partner your relationship with your partner can often become strained as you learn how to parent together.  When you and your partner were raised in two different ways you can often have different ideas and expectations about parenting.  Through therapy we can support you in finding your voice and becoming confident and comfortable in your new role.  We can support you in learning how to meet your partner in the middle and decide together what parenting looks like together.

Two hands holding onto one another
Mom and young daughter holding hands while walking on a brick road in the city

Parenting Support & Coaching

Parenting support and coaching can benefit you, your relationship and your child’s mental health and wellbeing.  It can feel so powerless to see your child struggle with anxiety, depression, behavioral concerns, or social skill deficits. 

At Bluestone we have significant experience working with children supporting their overall social, emotional and behavioral wellbeing and this in turn supports strong evidence based practices that can assist parents.  This can include giving you support and teaching you tools to help manage your child’s needs with emotion regulation, executive functioning, anxiety, depression or social skills needs.  Oftentimes supportive parenting therapy can include teaching parents mechanisms of managing their own regulation which in turn can be incredibly supportive for their children.